Spanish: Advanced research in language and literature


The Doctorate in Spanish: Advanced Research in Language and Literature involves, as its title indicates, two research areas:
o Spanish language
o Spanish and Latin-American literature

The main purpose is to help students to develop the necessary research sufficiency to present and defend their doctoral dissertation and, upon completion, to be able to open their own lines of research. The first area is devoted to advanced training in Spanish language from synchronic and diachronic perspectives and from different theoretical approaches, following the research lines covered by the program. The second area is devoted to the training of Spanish and Latin-American literature experts whose expertise is certifiable at the highest level of national and foreign doctorates.

A more detailed description of the program is available on the webpage of the Departments of Spanish Language and Spanish and Latin-American Literature.

This degree is especially intended for national or foreign students with undergraduate and master’s degree studies in:
- Spanish Language
- General Linguistics
- Spanish and Latin-American Literature
- Theory of Literature and Comparative Literature
- Other degrees in language and literature
- Other degrees belonging to the field of humanities

Human resources

Research areas and teams
The seven research groups that are part of this doctoral programme fit within the two knowledge areas that it comprises: Spanish language and Spanish and Spanish-American literature. These diverse research areas cover a wide spectrum of studies in Spanish language and general linguistics on the one hand, and Spanish and Spanish-American literature and literary theory on the other.

Research areas with faculty members

Language research areas

1. Theoretical linguistics and linguistic typology

2. Study of the constitutive elements of the Spanish language

* Phonetics and phonology

* Morphology and syntax

* Semantics and pragmatics

* Persuasive communication and discourse analysis

* Lexicology, lexicography and lexical availability

* Onomastics

3. History of Spanish

* Phonetics

* Lexis

* Grammar

* Documentary sources

* Varieties

4. Varieties of Spanish: Dialectology and sociolinguistics

5. Psycholinguistics

6. Linguistic historiography

7. Spanish didactics and language teaching

8. Spanish as a foreign language

9. Romance studies


Literature research areas

1. History of Spanish literature

* Of the Middle Ages

* Of the Renaissance and Baroque periods

* Contemporary Spanish literature

* Editing and handling of documentary sources

2. Literary genres

* Poetry

* Theatre

* Essay

3. Spanish-American literature

4. Literary theory and comparative literature

5. General and literary semiotics and iconology

6. Literature in its relations with music, cinema and the media

Admission requirements


To access official doctoral teaching, it is necessary to meet any of the following requirements:

  • Hold an official Spanish undergraduate degree or equivalent, and an official master’s degree or equivalent, on the condition of having gained at least 300 ECTS credits from within these two sets of teaching.
  • Hold an official university degree from a Spanish university or one from another member country of the European Higher Education Area. This degree must enable access to a master’s degree, and it is necessary to have passed a minimum of 300 ECTS credits of official university studies, of which at least 60 must be at the master’s level.
  • Hold an official Spanish undergraduate degree. In accordance with Community law, this degree must comprise at least 300 ECTS credits. Graduates in this category must pursue mandatory complementary training, unless the curriculum of their undergraduate degree included research credits equivalent in educational value to research credits from master’s studies.
  • Hold a university degree and, prior to obtaining a training place in the corresponding test for access to specialized health training places, have passed with a positive evaluation at least two years of training in a programme to obtain the official qualification for one of the specialities in health sciences.
  • Hold a qualification obtained in accordance with a foreign educational system without the need for accrediting equivalence of the qualification, subject to verification by the university that this qualification proves equivalent training to an official master’s degree and that it entitles the holder to access doctoral studies in the issuing country.
  • Hold another Spanish doctoral qualification.
  • Hold a qualification obtained in accordance with a foreign educational system and accredited by the Ministry of Education as equivalent to an official Spanish qualification that allows access to doctoral studies.
  • Hold an official Spanish or equivalent degree, and have obtained research proficiency status under Royal Decree 185/1985 of 23 January.
  • Hold an official Spanish or equivalent degree, and have obtained a diploma of advanced studies under Royal Decree 778/1998 of 30 April. 


From the student preregistrations submitted, the Academic Committee for each doctoral programme will apply the specific requirements and criteria for assessing merit established for admission to the corresponding programme.

  • The Academic Committee may publish lists of students admitted on the last day of each month from May, through the webpage of the degree and academic body responsible for the degree (centre, department or institute).
  • Lists of students admitted at the discretion of the Academic Committee may be published before the mandatory date of September.

Admission to doctoral programs may include the requirement of specific complementary training.

Admission profile

The Spanish: advanced research in language and literature doctoral programme is especially recommended for those who hold an undergraduate degree in Hispanic philology or in a comparable or related discipline, who have completed a master’s degree related to any aspect of the fields of Spanish and Spanish-American language and literature, and who have appropriate practical proficiency in the Spanish language (equivalent at least to C1 certificate level).
For those who wish to obtain the designation of “international doctorate,” a high level of English or a language other than Spanish is recommended.
Access to this doctoral programme is especially recommended for domestic or international students who have completed undergraduate or master’s studies in
- Spanish language
- General linguistics
- Spanish and Spanish-American literature
- Literary theory and comparative literature
- other philology degrees
- other humanities subjects

Pre-registration and enrolment


Los estudiantes que, reuniendo los requisitos de acceso, quieran ingresar en las enseñanzas concretas de uno de los programas de Doctorado regulados por el R.D. 99/2011  que oferta la Universidad de Salamanca, deberán solicitarlo realizando el procedimiento de preinscripción.
La solicitud de preinscripción se enviará a través de un correo electrónico a la dirección, donde se adjuntará una única carpeta en archivo, que llevará el nombre del interesado y del Programa de Doctorado donde realice la preinscripción, y que incluirá la siguiente documentación numerada:

01- Impreso de preinscripción/matrícula. No es necesario que el impreso se entregue firmado por el coordinador, puesto que desde la Administración de las Escuelas de Doctorado se remitirán todas las preinscripciones recabadas a la Comisión Académica del programa de doctorado, que será el órgano encargado de realizar la selección de los alumnos.

02- Copia del DNI o Pasaporte

03- Copia del título universitario que les faculta para el acceso.

04- Certificación de las asignaturas cursadas en el título universitario que les faculta para el acceso, con mención expresa de su denominación, duración y calificación, así como la nota media del expediente académico.

05- Copia del título universitario de Grado o Licenciatura, y, en su caso, para titulados extranjeros, copia de la resolución de acceso a los estudios de Máster en la Universidad de Salamanca.

06- Certificación de las asignaturas  cursadas en el Grado o en la Licenciatura

07- Curriculum vitae.
08- Documentación específica requerida en cada programa de doctorado. Esta información se encuentra en el apartado "Información Adicional", correspondiente a cada programa de doctorado.

La preinscripción es un trámite independiente del trámite de acceso que deben realizar todos los alumnos con titulación extranjera ajena al Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior y que debe haber sido informado favorablemente antes de la formalización de la matrícula

Plazo:  Del 1 de mayo al 11 de septiembre de 2016



Los estudiantes DE NUEVO INGRESO admitidos en un programa de doctorado deberán formalizar su matrícula en el mismo.
Documentación a presentar:

  • Impreso de preinscripción/matrícula
  • Fotocopia del D.N.I. o pasaporte.
  • Copia y original del título universitario de Máster que les faculta para el acceso al doctorado o copia y original del certificado académico oficial que acredite haber superado al menos 60 créditos ECTS de nivel de Máster. Los alumnos que tengan obligación de haber realizado la equivalencia de su título, aportarán copia de la resolución.
  • Copia y original del título universitario de Grado o Licenciatura, excepto alumnos que tengan obligación de haber realizado la equivalencia de su título, en cuyo caso aportarán copia de la resolución.
  • Los alumnos que hayan realizado sus estudios de Grado y de Máster en un pais integrante del Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior y estén estructurados en créditos ECTS , deberán presentar justificación original de que el título de Máster faculta, en el pais expendedor del mismo, para el acceso a enseñanzas de doctorado
  • Certificado de evaluación positiva de al menos dos años de formación sanitaria especializada en alguna de las especialidades en Ciencias de la Salud, en su caso.
  • Copia y original o copia compulsada del certificado-diploma de Estudios Avanzados obtenido conforme al R.D. 778/1998, o del certificado de la Suficiencia Investigadora obtenida conforme al R.D. 185/1985, en su caso.
  • En su caso, documentación justificativa de exención o deducción de tasas (familia numerosa, impresos de solicitud, de beca, etc.). En caso de ser trabajador de la Universidad de Salamanca, o familiar del mismo, pinche aquí  para obtener la solicitud a presentar.

Plazo: Del 5 al 14 de octubre de 2016

Lugar: Administración de las Escuelas de Doctorado de la Universidad de Salamanca (Edificio I+D-i, C/ Espejo nº 2, 37007 Salamanca)



- del 20 al 27 de julio de 2016

- del 19 al 30 de septiembre de 2016

- Impreso de matrícula de segundo año y sucesivos


El plazo para realizar anulación de matrícula será hasta el 15 de diciembre de 2016

Governing bodies

  • Academic Committee:

Coordinator: Prof. Dr. Maria Nieves Sánchez González de Herrero 

Prof. Dr. Julio Borrego Nieto
Prof. Dr. Emilio Prieto de los Mozos Prof. Dr. Carmen Ruiz Barrionuevo
Prof. Dr. Javier San José Lera
Prof. Dr. María Ascensión Rivas Hernández

  • Contact details for the programme coordinator:

María Nieves Sánchez González de Herrero:

Contact details

Doctorate: + 34 923 29 44 00 Ext. 1548
Thesis: +34 923 29 44 00 Ext. 1182
Finance: +34 923 29 44 00 Ext. 3069
Edificio I+D+i
C/ Espejo nº 2
37007 Salamanca SPAIN (see map)