Program coordinated by the University of Vigo.
Geotechnologies cover different areas of knowledge in a crosscutting way, thus being of crucial importance for technological improvement and competitiveness on the market. This field of knowledge is to bring improvements to activities of essential economic relevance such as mapping, positioning systems, quantitative and qualitative testing of the building and maintenance of works and buildings, dimensional control in the different areas of industry (shipping, automotive, aeronautics, etc.) or energy-related areas (energy efficiency, wind-driven generators, solar panel control, etc.).
This doctorate is especially aimed at students whose technological profiles are in line with the contents of its curriculum (degrees in engineering, architecture, computing).
University of Salamanca-RESEARCH AREAS
Diego González Aguilera: From the point cloud to CAD models: critical infrastructures
Javier Gómez Lahoz and Pablo Rodríguez Gonzálvez: UAV photogrammetry and laser scanning applied to engineering and architecture
Ángel Luis Muñoz Nieto: Forensic infography
Ángel María Martín Del Rey, José Luis Molina González and Ana Belén Gonzalo Calderón: Mathematical modelling
Manuela Cháves Tolosa: Development and application of mathematical techniques in fire detection and extinguishing
Benjamín Arias Pérez: Remote sensing
David Hernández López: Computer vision techniques in remote sensing
Arturo Farfán Martín: Underground radar systems: GPR/integration of nondestructive techniques (geophysics, geochemistry and thermography) in civil and environmental engineering; update, optimization and standardization of different applications
University of Vigo-RESEARCH AREAS
Pedro Arias Sanchez: Mobile laser systems
Julia Armesto Gonzalez: Thermographic cameras: characterization and calibration
Henrique Lorenzo Cimadevila: Underground radar systems: GPR
Antonio Fernández Álvarez: Computer vision
Elena González Rodríguez: Image processing
Higinio Gonzalez Jorge: Inertial positioning systems: odometers, accelerometers and gyroscopes
Luis Ortiz Torres: Biomass and energy
Natalia Caparrini Marin: Integration of nondestructive techniques (geophysics, geochemistry and thermography) in civil and environmental engineering; update, optimization and standardization of different applications
Belen Riveiro Rodriguez: Geometric and mechanical structural characterization; structural analysis
Mercedes Solla Carracelas: Geographic information systems
Delft University of Technology- RESEARCH AREAS
Roderik Lindenbergh: Laser remote sensing
Ben Gorte: Computer vision techniques in remote sensing
Massimo Menenti: Earth observation; energy balance; radiative transfer
Para acceder a las enseñanzas oficiales de Doctorado será necesario cumplir alguno de los siguientes requisitos:
A partir de las preinscripciones presentadas, la Comisión Académica de cada programa de Doctorado aplicará los requisitos específicos y criterios de valoración de méritos establecidos para la admisión en el correspondiente programa.
La admisión a los Programas de Doctorado podrá incluir la exigencia de complementos de formación específicos.
1. At the time of applying for admission to the doctoral programme, and being able to do so in each of the universities that offer this qualification, students must present the documentation required pursuant to the regulations of each university that forms part of the doctoral programme.
2. Taking into account the information provided by the candidate, the Academic Committee for the doctoral programme will be responsible for deciding upon the application for admission pursuant to applicable law and the general admission procedures and criteria for doctoral studies.
o Average grade in academic record, at both undergraduate and master’s levels.
o Previous research experience, with particular weight given to experience within the thematic area of the doctoral programme.
o Professional experience
3. If the student is admitted, he or she will be assigned a research area and/or a tutor from the faculty members involved in the doctorate, following an interview with the representative of the Academic Committee at the university where the doctoral student has formally matriculated. This assignment will subsequently be approved by the Academic Committee for the doctoral programme or, where applicable (particularly for foreign universities), pursuant to the regulations established by each university.
Los estudiantes que, reuniendo los requisitos de acceso, quieran ingresar en las enseñanzas concretas de uno de los programas de Doctorado regulados por el R.D. 99/2011 que oferta la Universidad de Salamanca, deberán solicitarlo realizando el procedimiento de preinscripción.
La solicitud de preinscripción se enviará a través de un correo electrónico a la dirección, donde se adjuntará una única carpeta en archivo, que llevará el nombre del interesado y del Programa de Doctorado donde realice la preinscripción, y que incluirá la siguiente documentación numerada:
01- Impreso de preinscripción/matrícula. No es necesario que el impreso se entregue firmado por el coordinador, puesto que desde la Administración de las Escuelas de Doctorado se remitirán todas las preinscripciones recabadas a la Comisión Académica del programa de doctorado, que será el órgano encargado de realizar la selección de los alumnos.
02- Copia del DNI o Pasaporte
03- Copia del título universitario que les faculta para el acceso.
04- Certificación de las asignaturas cursadas en el título universitario que les faculta para el acceso, con mención expresa de su denominación, duración y calificación, así como la nota media del expediente académico.
05- Copia del título universitario de Grado o Licenciatura, y, en su caso, para titulados extranjeros, copia de la resolución de acceso a los estudios de Máster en la Universidad de Salamanca.
06- Certificación de las asignaturas cursadas en el Grado o en la Licenciatura
07- Curriculum vitae.
08- Documentación específica requerida en cada programa de doctorado. Esta información se encuentra en el apartado "Información Adicional", correspondiente a cada programa de doctorado.
La preinscripción es un trámite independiente del trámite de acceso que deben realizar todos los alumnos con titulación extranjera ajena al Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior y que debe haber sido informado favorablemente antes de la formalización de la matrícula
Plazo: Del 7 de abril de 2015 al 11 de septiembre de 2015
Los estudiantes DE NUEVO INGRESO admitidos en un programa de doctorado deberán formalizar su matrícula en el mismo.
Documentación a presentar:
Plazo: Del 5 de octubre al 9 de octubre de 2015
Lugar: Administración de las Escuelas de Doctorado de la Universidad de Salamanca (Edificio I+D-i, C/ Espejo nº 2, 37007 Salamanca)
- del 20 de julio al 24 de julio (preferentemente)
- del 21 de septiembre al 30 de septiembre
- Impreso de matrícula de segundo año y sucesivos
El plazo para realizar anulación de matrícula será hasta el 15 de diciembre de 2015
La propuesta de la Comisión Académica para el Programa de Doctorado con un mínimo de 7 miembros todos ellos con vinculación permanente a la universidad, dedicación a tiempo completo y con al menos un sexenio de investigación es:
Presidente/a Pedro Arias Sánchez (U Vigo)
Secretario/a Julia Armesto González (U Vigo)
Vocal 1 Henrique Lorenzo Cimadevila (U Vigo)
Vocal 2 Diego González Aguilera (U Salamanca)
Vocal 3 Javier Gómez Lahoz (U Salamanca)
Vocal 4 Massimo Menenti (TU Delft)
Vocal 5 Roderik Lindenbergh (UT Delft)
Diego González Aguilera
Students who meet the access requirements and wish to enrol in one of the specific taught components of the doctoral programmes offered by the University of Salamanca and regulated by Royal Decree 99/2011 must apply through completing the preregistration procedure.
Preregistration applications is here . The archival file will include the following numbered documentation:
Preregistration is a separate procedure from the access procedure to be completed by all students with foreign qualifications from outside the European Higher Education Area. Individuals should have received a favourable outcome to the access procedure before completing the matriculation process
Time frame:
New students admitted to a doctoral programme must formalize their matriculation in it.
Documentation that must be submitted:
Time frame:
Location: Administration Office for the Doctoral Schools, University of Salamanca (Patio de Escuelas Menores, s/n, 37008 Salamanca)
Doctoral studies enrolment form
The deadline for cancelling matriculation is
To be eligible for admission to official doctoral studies it is necessary to fulfil at least one of the following requirements:
Further information on admission can be found in the following chart
On the basis of the pre-enrolment forms submitted, the Academic Committee of each doctoral programme shall apply the specific requirements and merit assessment criteria established for admission to the corresponding programme.
Admission to doctoral programmes may require specific bridging courses.
Successfully completing the process of establishing the equivalence of previous studies is essential in order to access doctoral studies in the cases of students for whom any of the following circumstances are applicable. The process must be completed prior to and separately from the rest of the procedures, which are dependent on successfully establishing equivalence.
Who should complete this procedure?
a) Students with a bachelor’s university degree or equivalent and a master’s degree that were both obtained in accordance with the educational systems of countries that do not belong to the EHEA.
b) Students with a bachelor’s university degree or equivalent and a master’s degree that were both obtained in European countries prior to the implementation of the EHEA (that is, the studies are not structured based on ECTS credits).
c) Students with a master’s degree obtained at any Spanish university, and a bachelor’s degree or equivalent from a country that does not belong to the EHEA.
d) Students with a master’s degree obtained at any Spanish university (including USAL), and a bachelor’s university degree or equivalent that was obtained in a European country prior to the implementation of the EHEA (that is, the studies are not structured based on ECTS credits).
e) Students with a master’s degree that was obtained in accordance with an educational system that belongs to the EHEA (that is, a degree structured based on ECTS credits), irrespective of the country where the student’s bachelor’s degree or equivalent was completed if that degree is not structured based on ECTS credits. Students with a bachelor’s degree or equivalent from Spain are excluded from this circumstance.
f) Students with a diploma of advanced studies obtained from a Spanish university other than the University of Salamanca and with a foreign bachelor’s degree or equivalent.
What documentation needs to be provided?
The access application form must be accompanied by the following documentation:
1. A copy of the student’s national identity document or passport that has been properly legalized or authenticated by a public notary.
2. Documentation related to the student’s bachelor’s degree or equivalent:
a) A copy of the degree certificate that has been legalized or authenticated by a public notary.
b) An original official transcript or legalized copy of the courses studied, with express mention of their name, duration and qualification.
c) An original official transcript or legalized copy showing the total number of completed hours.
3. Documentation related to the student’s master’s degree (*):
a) Copy of the degree certificate, or a receipt showing that it has been applied for. The document should be legalized or authenticated by a public notary.
b) An original official transcript or legalized copy of the courses studied, with express mention of their name, duration and qualification.
c) An original official transcript or legalized copy showing the total number of completed hours.
d) Original proof that a master’s degree qualifies the holder for access to doctoral teaching in the issuing country.
(*) Students whose master’s degree is from USAL only have to submit a copy of the degree certificate or a receipt showing that it has been applied for. Students whose master’s degree is from a Spanish university only have to submit the documentation contained in points a) and d)
4. Proof of payment of the fee for this process, which, as set out in the Castilla-León Decree on Rates, is 210.97 euros.
Payment by bank transfer:
Banco Santander: ES 13 0049 1843 44 2110186331, SWIFT: BSCHESMM.
Payment by card:
Access the website:
The documents must be legalized through diplomatic channels or, where appropriate, through the Hague Apostille Convention. For the purposes of the provisions on providing certified copies, the legalization or apostille must appear on the original document prior to producing the copy that will be certified by the competent authority.
In no case will standard copies of the documents be accepted.
Students must also send an official translation into Spanish of all the documentation provided where necessary. (Translations are not required for the following languages: Portuguese, English, French and Italian.)
All the required documentation must be submitted. Processing of an application will not begin if the application is incomplete or does not fulfil the indicated legalization requirements. In such a case, the application will be deemed to have not been presented.
Documentation may be delivered by post, courier or in person to the Official Master’s and Doctoral Studies Section. No other means of submitting documents will be accepted.
In no case will the presentation and payment of the equivalence fee replace the process of presenting an application in accordance with the correct time and form.